
A Frictionless Customer Experience

Christie Pronto
August 1, 2023

A Frictionless Customer Experience

UI gets all of the glory in the game of startup fame but when it comes to customer retention – UX is the star of the show… so why then is it so hard for startups to lead clients to that assumption and then have them invest in beefing up their UX branding and execution?

Clients’ understanding of what UX truly means to their brand is ever evolving and with growth comes the opportunity for design, branding and software development to exist within a megalodon of startup success. 


What is UX/UI?

In the world of startups, customer experience is key to success. The challenge lies in creating a frictionless customer experience that can be achieved through both UI and UX design and not getting sidetracked with the new shiny bling of UI.

UI (User Interface) focuses on the look and feel of the software, while UX (User Experience) focuses on how users interact with it.

Startups need to understand the importance of BOTH when it comes to software development; they need to have a strong tech stack in place, sure, but never forget to have an understanding of how different elements work together to create a smooth user experience; but leading the startup owner to invest in the experience of the user once on their platform or once engaging with their tech – that’s the rub.

With this knowledge, startups can create products that provide their customers with an enjoyable and that frictionless customer experience we mentioned – but will they see the value?

Unpeeling the Onion

Why is the user experience so important beyond its benefit to a startup's brand or design?

Big Pixel feels that both UI/UX is what makes or breaks a customers experience with a startup.

They both determine how easy it is to use the product, how intuitive it feels, how enjoyable it is to interact with and how much easier it makes your life.

When done right, UI/UX can make a huge difference in terms of customer satisfaction and loyalty and in the end, come on, isn’t that the bread and butter of startup success?

With proper attention paid to these areas, startups can make sure that their customers have an enjoyable journey from start to finish and that their business will grow and continue to do so.

No longer are the days of marketing, branding and customer experience living in their own silos – doing their own thing independently for the startup’s success. 

Holistic marketing, branding and UI/UX are the new paths forward in creating the voice for your startup that will lead you and your product to success.

What is your idea? 

What is that product? 

Sure – we all want to know – But does that product feel great, look great, work well and benefit my life? 

If you haven’t ticked all those boxes, check again, and maybe read this article a few more times…

Based on excerpts from the Biz/Dev podcast Episode 93.

Christie Pronto
August 1, 2023

A Frictionless Customer Experience

Christie Pronto
August 1, 2023

A Frictionless Customer Experience

UI gets all of the glory in the game of startup fame but when it comes to customer retention – UX is the star of the show… so why then is it so hard for startups to lead clients to that assumption and then have them invest in beefing up their UX branding and execution?

Clients’ understanding of what UX truly means to their brand is ever evolving and with growth comes the opportunity for design, branding and software development to exist within a megalodon of startup success. 


What is UX/UI?

In the world of startups, customer experience is key to success. The challenge lies in creating a frictionless customer experience that can be achieved through both UI and UX design and not getting sidetracked with the new shiny bling of UI.

UI (User Interface) focuses on the look and feel of the software, while UX (User Experience) focuses on how users interact with it.

Startups need to understand the importance of BOTH when it comes to software development; they need to have a strong tech stack in place, sure, but never forget to have an understanding of how different elements work together to create a smooth user experience; but leading the startup owner to invest in the experience of the user once on their platform or once engaging with their tech – that’s the rub.

With this knowledge, startups can create products that provide their customers with an enjoyable and that frictionless customer experience we mentioned – but will they see the value?

Unpeeling the Onion

Why is the user experience so important beyond its benefit to a startup's brand or design?

Big Pixel feels that both UI/UX is what makes or breaks a customers experience with a startup.

They both determine how easy it is to use the product, how intuitive it feels, how enjoyable it is to interact with and how much easier it makes your life.

When done right, UI/UX can make a huge difference in terms of customer satisfaction and loyalty and in the end, come on, isn’t that the bread and butter of startup success?

With proper attention paid to these areas, startups can make sure that their customers have an enjoyable journey from start to finish and that their business will grow and continue to do so.

No longer are the days of marketing, branding and customer experience living in their own silos – doing their own thing independently for the startup’s success. 

Holistic marketing, branding and UI/UX are the new paths forward in creating the voice for your startup that will lead you and your product to success.

What is your idea? 

What is that product? 

Sure – we all want to know – But does that product feel great, look great, work well and benefit my life? 

If you haven’t ticked all those boxes, check again, and maybe read this article a few more times…

Based on excerpts from the Biz/Dev podcast Episode 93.

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