
Mastering the Game of Leadership & Literacy in the Land of Tech and Finance

David Baxter & Gary Voigt
December 6, 2022

Mastering the Game of Leadership & Literacy in the Land of Tech and Finance

You don’t need to be a lawyer to plead the case that navigating both the tech and financial universe is no walk in the park.  No matter your wealth or prestige, creating viable and ongoing success in these spaces is even harder won.

What hope do you have in making lemonade out of lemons when nearly half of startups in these spaces end in a checkmate?

Certain moves can be made and with constant and consistent cultivation of a few key elements, literacy and success can lead you to victory.

Where Do We Even Start

Understanding the heavy hitters in whatever field you enter would be a great first step toward domination but what happens when even those giants don’t have control over the realm with which they are king...ahem...Musk; Twitter. Zuckerberg; Meta.

The ideology of verification becomes front and center in the quest for that success. Whether it be a blue check, verifiable data, or metrics; information is power and knowing what to do with that information is victory.

But even with the necessary metrics and a full and working knowledge of the inner trappings that create those metrics many still struggle with leadership and literacy in their quest for success.

The Queen's Gambit

The winning moves towards leadership, literacy and success are threefold.


When stepping into the world of tech startups or strengthening your leadership within the space; extensive experience is integral to your success. You can be the best chef in all the land but if you open a 5-star restaurant are you a success? Many times, you hire a manager, a financial advisor- you surround yourself with those that have the business acumen and wherewithal to skyrocket your talent into success because those around you have the experience to scale you properly. The same holds true in tech leadership- thinking you know it all doesn’t make you a success it makes you another pawn in the game.


If your role is head of a tech startup be sure that the people you bring onboard bring value to your institution; that they further your strategic long-term wins by strengthening your already existing business relationships and harbor new ones. If your aim is to acquire a company and your first steps are to eliminate staff and positions- making key and strategic eliminations is the way forward. Making sure that those within the company that were gatekeepers to business relationships that are integral for success are not eliminated. Know the lay of the land, lean on that experience and make smart and strategic choices.

Being At the Right Place

Become a developer during the dot com bubble of 2001? Definitely not the right place at the right time...Being at the right place at the right time is that sweet spot that doesn’t happen in a vortex. The belief that Elon Musk is at the right place at perhaps the wrong time in his acquisition of Twitter is a topic of common fodder recently. While he acquired this social media behemoth- its viability in the long term is questioned as is its relevance and sustainability in its current iteration.

This is where the other two elements of experience and strategy come into play. Seeing into the future isn’t always an easy feat- but having experience in the field of tech and finance, having literacy around the trends and positioning yourself to serve the future of the field, and then surrounding yourself with or creating those opportunities there within is when you may, just may set yourself up to be in the right place at the right time.

Be Relentless

Your biggest enemy is yourself- you hear that in some of your lowest moments when it seems as if all the moves have been made and you are headed toward failure. The key is to do what it takes to succeed even when the road seems long and the moves seem moot. You must sacrifice time. You must learn how to foster a culture of ownership within the grind so that your team rallies around you to carry the weight. To create a stability within the unknown that continues to catapult you toward victory. You have to fight harder, learn more, work longer and stay relentless in that pursuit.

You are only one move away from total defeat or total success. Leading with your experience, acting strategically and being sure you are aligned with the right people at the right time can create the right atmosphere for the win. 

The one thing to never forget as a potential leader in the tech and finance space is that one person alone never creates success. It's the team experience, strategy and fortitude that creates a winning combination.

Based on excerpts from our BIZ/DEV podcast, episode 59.

David Baxter & Gary Voigt
December 6, 2022

Mastering the Game of Leadership & Literacy in the Land of Tech and Finance

David Baxter & Gary Voigt
December 6, 2022

Mastering the Game of Leadership & Literacy in the Land of Tech and Finance

You don’t need to be a lawyer to plead the case that navigating both the tech and financial universe is no walk in the park.  No matter your wealth or prestige, creating viable and ongoing success in these spaces is even harder won.

What hope do you have in making lemonade out of lemons when nearly half of startups in these spaces end in a checkmate?

Certain moves can be made and with constant and consistent cultivation of a few key elements, literacy and success can lead you to victory.

Where Do We Even Start

Understanding the heavy hitters in whatever field you enter would be a great first step toward domination but what happens when even those giants don’t have control over the realm with which they are king...ahem...Musk; Twitter. Zuckerberg; Meta.

The ideology of verification becomes front and center in the quest for that success. Whether it be a blue check, verifiable data, or metrics; information is power and knowing what to do with that information is victory.

But even with the necessary metrics and a full and working knowledge of the inner trappings that create those metrics many still struggle with leadership and literacy in their quest for success.

The Queen's Gambit

The winning moves towards leadership, literacy and success are threefold.


When stepping into the world of tech startups or strengthening your leadership within the space; extensive experience is integral to your success. You can be the best chef in all the land but if you open a 5-star restaurant are you a success? Many times, you hire a manager, a financial advisor- you surround yourself with those that have the business acumen and wherewithal to skyrocket your talent into success because those around you have the experience to scale you properly. The same holds true in tech leadership- thinking you know it all doesn’t make you a success it makes you another pawn in the game.


If your role is head of a tech startup be sure that the people you bring onboard bring value to your institution; that they further your strategic long-term wins by strengthening your already existing business relationships and harbor new ones. If your aim is to acquire a company and your first steps are to eliminate staff and positions- making key and strategic eliminations is the way forward. Making sure that those within the company that were gatekeepers to business relationships that are integral for success are not eliminated. Know the lay of the land, lean on that experience and make smart and strategic choices.

Being At the Right Place

Become a developer during the dot com bubble of 2001? Definitely not the right place at the right time...Being at the right place at the right time is that sweet spot that doesn’t happen in a vortex. The belief that Elon Musk is at the right place at perhaps the wrong time in his acquisition of Twitter is a topic of common fodder recently. While he acquired this social media behemoth- its viability in the long term is questioned as is its relevance and sustainability in its current iteration.

This is where the other two elements of experience and strategy come into play. Seeing into the future isn’t always an easy feat- but having experience in the field of tech and finance, having literacy around the trends and positioning yourself to serve the future of the field, and then surrounding yourself with or creating those opportunities there within is when you may, just may set yourself up to be in the right place at the right time.

Be Relentless

Your biggest enemy is yourself- you hear that in some of your lowest moments when it seems as if all the moves have been made and you are headed toward failure. The key is to do what it takes to succeed even when the road seems long and the moves seem moot. You must sacrifice time. You must learn how to foster a culture of ownership within the grind so that your team rallies around you to carry the weight. To create a stability within the unknown that continues to catapult you toward victory. You have to fight harder, learn more, work longer and stay relentless in that pursuit.

You are only one move away from total defeat or total success. Leading with your experience, acting strategically and being sure you are aligned with the right people at the right time can create the right atmosphere for the win. 

The one thing to never forget as a potential leader in the tech and finance space is that one person alone never creates success. It's the team experience, strategy and fortitude that creates a winning combination.

Based on excerpts from our BIZ/DEV podcast, episode 59.

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