
‍Out of the Box: The Next Generation of Startup Innovation‍

Christie Pronto
March 28, 2023

Out of the Box: The Next Generation of Startup Innovation

The next generation of startup innovation is not just about creating outside of the box thinkers but cultivating innovators who want to revolutionize the box itself- a world where all rules are out the window and the name of the game is sustainability, in terms of both economics and eco-friendly creations.

How does this next generation suggest we break down the walls of startup success and innovation and become the incubators of the future?

Analyze Your Journey

Company creation and true entrepreneurship is a journey; an idea seed that blooms from the mind of the creator. With this level of connectivity and synergy comes too, a certain level of  analysis. As a true creator- you need to insert a series of checks and balances throughout the process of incubation to ensure a steadfast and consistent track to success.

Many startups struggle with optimizing their limited and precious resources; as your first idea may not be the best idea. With the checks and balances, with the introspection strategically inserted, you can ensure if people will want this idea. Is it viable? And will it create success and sustainability in the long term…the answer may surprise you.

The more we, as entrepreneurs and innovators know, the more we realize- there is SO much more to learn and that the cycle of self actualization and analysis is constantly morphing.

Get Some Perspective

As an entrepreneur you're in the thick of things all of the time- gaining perspective from those outside of your box may define certain parameters or help your idea move beyond the confines of your innovation.

Talk to as many people as possible. Bring in advisors, friends, family or consultants; increasing your knowledge base will only strengthen your idea or product's viability and relatability in the market space. Whether the feedback is positive or negative, the true indication of a stellar innovator is the willingness to transform.

Solve a Problem

“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” - Albert Einstein

The next generation of innovators see a problem and fall in love with figuring out the solution. 

Can you imagine falling in love with the GOOP left after throwing away a Starbucks drink? No- neither can we- but new and innovative trash receptacle company MyMatR can and they have taken the problem of identifying and sorting trash to the next level.

As an entrepreneur and small business startup- you have to love the slog, love the problem and relish in the day to day of finding the best solution, the most lucrative solution, the most innovative solution to the table.

Breaking down the walls of startup innovation and becoming an incubator of the future is comprised of pinpointing your weaknesses, outsourcing where needed, gaining clarity through introspection and realizing that through a holistic approach to defining your box and building the walls strategically you too can be the cool kid on the block

Based on excerpts of the Biz/Dev podcast Episode 75.

Christie Pronto
March 28, 2023

‍Out of the Box: The Next Generation of Startup Innovation‍

Christie Pronto
March 28, 2023

Out of the Box: The Next Generation of Startup Innovation

The next generation of startup innovation is not just about creating outside of the box thinkers but cultivating innovators who want to revolutionize the box itself- a world where all rules are out the window and the name of the game is sustainability, in terms of both economics and eco-friendly creations.

How does this next generation suggest we break down the walls of startup success and innovation and become the incubators of the future?

Analyze Your Journey

Company creation and true entrepreneurship is a journey; an idea seed that blooms from the mind of the creator. With this level of connectivity and synergy comes too, a certain level of  analysis. As a true creator- you need to insert a series of checks and balances throughout the process of incubation to ensure a steadfast and consistent track to success.

Many startups struggle with optimizing their limited and precious resources; as your first idea may not be the best idea. With the checks and balances, with the introspection strategically inserted, you can ensure if people will want this idea. Is it viable? And will it create success and sustainability in the long term…the answer may surprise you.

The more we, as entrepreneurs and innovators know, the more we realize- there is SO much more to learn and that the cycle of self actualization and analysis is constantly morphing.

Get Some Perspective

As an entrepreneur you're in the thick of things all of the time- gaining perspective from those outside of your box may define certain parameters or help your idea move beyond the confines of your innovation.

Talk to as many people as possible. Bring in advisors, friends, family or consultants; increasing your knowledge base will only strengthen your idea or product's viability and relatability in the market space. Whether the feedback is positive or negative, the true indication of a stellar innovator is the willingness to transform.

Solve a Problem

“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” - Albert Einstein

The next generation of innovators see a problem and fall in love with figuring out the solution. 

Can you imagine falling in love with the GOOP left after throwing away a Starbucks drink? No- neither can we- but new and innovative trash receptacle company MyMatR can and they have taken the problem of identifying and sorting trash to the next level.

As an entrepreneur and small business startup- you have to love the slog, love the problem and relish in the day to day of finding the best solution, the most lucrative solution, the most innovative solution to the table.

Breaking down the walls of startup innovation and becoming an incubator of the future is comprised of pinpointing your weaknesses, outsourcing where needed, gaining clarity through introspection and realizing that through a holistic approach to defining your box and building the walls strategically you too can be the cool kid on the block

Based on excerpts of the Biz/Dev podcast Episode 75.

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