
Picture Perfect Future

Christie Pronto
March 21, 2023

Picture Perfect Future 

2020 was a launching pad for an entirely new way of engaging in the realm of business and startups. 

A Great pivot occurred; we had to collaborate and connect; to innovate and to disrupt the status quo because if we failed to do so – so too did our business and livelihoods.

Our clients also had to reevaluate what they expected from their vendors, what they needed to feel and see in order to spend their hard earned money with any business or startup.

In 2023 it is clear that two prevailing elements are rearing their heads in the pursuit of startup success: work ethic and customer service practices.

Work Ethic

How does the old adage go? Be the first to arrive and the last to leave? 

“Developing a good work ethic is a key to success. Apply yourself at whatever you do, whether you’re a janitor or taking your first summer job, because that work ethic will be reflected in everything you do in life.” ~ Tyler Perry

It isn't always about the huge impact of large movements but about the noticeable momentum of consistent and daily dedication. 

As our fearless leader, David Baxter mentioned recently, “You have a job to do, you take pride in doing that job well and you execute consistently-sounds pretty awesome to me.”

Awesome indeed. A dedication to doing your best no matter the task and always being willing, ready and able to meet opportunity where it is at, is a sure fire way to stand out in business.

As a startup you have to work diligently to stand out in the crowd and a killer work ethic along with impeccable customer service seems to be the winning combination in 2023.

Customer Service

Social media channels essentially became the news we consumed during the pandemic. 

It created beautiful art and connections that we otherwise wouldn't have had, but it also left many clients and consumers increasingly impatient, they shifted approaches and yearned for convenience over cost and were inclined to cut ties with any business or startup that didn't meet their instant expectations.


As a startup trying to compete for the soap box in 2023 showing a dedication to morality, work ethic and customer service are the ingredients to your success.

Both long term and short term visions can be foiled at any moment in time and consumers can be just as finicky and fussy as the trends in the tech world. 

Startups must roll with the punches, stay consistent, engage with kindness and understand that no effort, big or small is ever disregarded in the realm of business. Consumers notice the smallest of things and they are willing to drive completely out of their way for the kind sales woman who always asks about your family, or patronize a software development company that is available to their new owner night and day to talk them down from the edge.

A commitment to the dream is a necessity for success in 2023.


In our current climate, It’s not enough for startups to merely provide fast, convenient and kind service to be a success.

In 2023 they must connect with their customers on the issues they care about in a professional and consistent manner:

  • 63% of customers want to buy from socially responsible companies
  • 54% want to buy from companies that prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion in their communities and workplaces
  • 49% want to talk to an empathetic customer service agent

Statistics provided by Zendesk 

Raw talent, networking and gravitas in business are not the only new kids on the block this year and will not spell success for startups alone. 

Investing in individuals with a killer work ethic, despite their talent and investing in their morality and workplace culture is paramount. Training your team and expecting the highest level of customer service is another layer to what will be a delicious move towards startup success in 2023.

Excerpts provided by Biz/Dev Podcast Episode 74.

Christie Pronto
March 21, 2023

Picture Perfect Future

Christie Pronto
March 21, 2023

Picture Perfect Future 

2020 was a launching pad for an entirely new way of engaging in the realm of business and startups. 

A Great pivot occurred; we had to collaborate and connect; to innovate and to disrupt the status quo because if we failed to do so – so too did our business and livelihoods.

Our clients also had to reevaluate what they expected from their vendors, what they needed to feel and see in order to spend their hard earned money with any business or startup.

In 2023 it is clear that two prevailing elements are rearing their heads in the pursuit of startup success: work ethic and customer service practices.

Work Ethic

How does the old adage go? Be the first to arrive and the last to leave? 

“Developing a good work ethic is a key to success. Apply yourself at whatever you do, whether you’re a janitor or taking your first summer job, because that work ethic will be reflected in everything you do in life.” ~ Tyler Perry

It isn't always about the huge impact of large movements but about the noticeable momentum of consistent and daily dedication. 

As our fearless leader, David Baxter mentioned recently, “You have a job to do, you take pride in doing that job well and you execute consistently-sounds pretty awesome to me.”

Awesome indeed. A dedication to doing your best no matter the task and always being willing, ready and able to meet opportunity where it is at, is a sure fire way to stand out in business.

As a startup you have to work diligently to stand out in the crowd and a killer work ethic along with impeccable customer service seems to be the winning combination in 2023.

Customer Service

Social media channels essentially became the news we consumed during the pandemic. 

It created beautiful art and connections that we otherwise wouldn't have had, but it also left many clients and consumers increasingly impatient, they shifted approaches and yearned for convenience over cost and were inclined to cut ties with any business or startup that didn't meet their instant expectations.


As a startup trying to compete for the soap box in 2023 showing a dedication to morality, work ethic and customer service are the ingredients to your success.

Both long term and short term visions can be foiled at any moment in time and consumers can be just as finicky and fussy as the trends in the tech world. 

Startups must roll with the punches, stay consistent, engage with kindness and understand that no effort, big or small is ever disregarded in the realm of business. Consumers notice the smallest of things and they are willing to drive completely out of their way for the kind sales woman who always asks about your family, or patronize a software development company that is available to their new owner night and day to talk them down from the edge.

A commitment to the dream is a necessity for success in 2023.


In our current climate, It’s not enough for startups to merely provide fast, convenient and kind service to be a success.

In 2023 they must connect with their customers on the issues they care about in a professional and consistent manner:

  • 63% of customers want to buy from socially responsible companies
  • 54% want to buy from companies that prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion in their communities and workplaces
  • 49% want to talk to an empathetic customer service agent

Statistics provided by Zendesk 

Raw talent, networking and gravitas in business are not the only new kids on the block this year and will not spell success for startups alone. 

Investing in individuals with a killer work ethic, despite their talent and investing in their morality and workplace culture is paramount. Training your team and expecting the highest level of customer service is another layer to what will be a delicious move towards startup success in 2023.

Excerpts provided by Biz/Dev Podcast Episode 74.

Our superpower is custom software development that gets it done.