
The Many Faces of an Entrepreneur: Knowing Who You Are and How to Lead

Christie Pronto
August 29, 2023

The Many Faces of an Entrepreneur: Knowing Who You Are and How to Lead

Now, I know what you're thinking – "Am I a risk-taking innovator or more of a calculated strategist?" Well, fear not! We're about to find out.

There are typically 3 distinct types of entrepreneurs. From leadership styles that could make Steve Jobs look like an amateur, to communication skills that would put Shakespeare to shame – it runs the gamut.

But let me remind you that no matter which type you fall into, being an entrepreneur is no walk in the park. It takes guts, determination, and a whole lot of coffee to make it in this game. 

So whether you're a visionary trailblazer or an analytical mastermind, remember to keep your sense of humor intact because trust me when I say this journey will have its fair share of ups and downs.

Sit back, relax (if you can), and let's unravel the three types of entrepreneurs: pixel by pixel.

Take Charge

First up, we have the "Take Charge" entrepreneurs. These are the natural-born leaders who thrive in high-pressure situations. 

They have an uncanny ability to make quick decisions and rally their team towards success. Think of them as the captains steering their ship through stormy seas (metaphorically speaking, of course).


Next, are the "Smooth Talkers." These entrepreneurs possess a silver tongue that can charm anyone into believing in their vision.

They excel at networking events and can sell ice to Eskimos with ease. Their communication skills are so smooth that even butter gets jealous.


Last but not least, we have the "Innovators Extraordinaire." These entrepreneurs are like mad scientists in their labs, constantly tinkering with ideas and pushing boundaries. 

They're always one step ahead when it comes to spotting trends and creating groundbreaking solutions. If there's a problem to solve or an industry ripe for disruption, you can bet your bottom dollar they'll be at the forefront.

Now it's time for some self-reflection: which one resonates with you? 

Are you ready to take charge like a boss? Or perhaps your gift lies in sweet-talking your way into success? Maybe innovation is your middle name?

No matter which types you are, just remember that entrepreneurship is a wild ride filled with ups and downs. 

Embrace your strengths, work on your weaknesses, and always keep a sense of humor handy. 

After all, laughter is the best entrepreneur's fuel – trust me on that one!

Based on Excerpts of the Biz/Dev Podcast Episode 97.

Christie Pronto
August 29, 2023

The Many Faces of an Entrepreneur: Knowing Who You Are and How to Lead

Christie Pronto
August 29, 2023

The Many Faces of an Entrepreneur: Knowing Who You Are and How to Lead

Now, I know what you're thinking – "Am I a risk-taking innovator or more of a calculated strategist?" Well, fear not! We're about to find out.

There are typically 3 distinct types of entrepreneurs. From leadership styles that could make Steve Jobs look like an amateur, to communication skills that would put Shakespeare to shame – it runs the gamut.

But let me remind you that no matter which type you fall into, being an entrepreneur is no walk in the park. It takes guts, determination, and a whole lot of coffee to make it in this game. 

So whether you're a visionary trailblazer or an analytical mastermind, remember to keep your sense of humor intact because trust me when I say this journey will have its fair share of ups and downs.

Sit back, relax (if you can), and let's unravel the three types of entrepreneurs: pixel by pixel.

Take Charge

First up, we have the "Take Charge" entrepreneurs. These are the natural-born leaders who thrive in high-pressure situations. 

They have an uncanny ability to make quick decisions and rally their team towards success. Think of them as the captains steering their ship through stormy seas (metaphorically speaking, of course).


Next, are the "Smooth Talkers." These entrepreneurs possess a silver tongue that can charm anyone into believing in their vision.

They excel at networking events and can sell ice to Eskimos with ease. Their communication skills are so smooth that even butter gets jealous.


Last but not least, we have the "Innovators Extraordinaire." These entrepreneurs are like mad scientists in their labs, constantly tinkering with ideas and pushing boundaries. 

They're always one step ahead when it comes to spotting trends and creating groundbreaking solutions. If there's a problem to solve or an industry ripe for disruption, you can bet your bottom dollar they'll be at the forefront.

Now it's time for some self-reflection: which one resonates with you? 

Are you ready to take charge like a boss? Or perhaps your gift lies in sweet-talking your way into success? Maybe innovation is your middle name?

No matter which types you are, just remember that entrepreneurship is a wild ride filled with ups and downs. 

Embrace your strengths, work on your weaknesses, and always keep a sense of humor handy. 

After all, laughter is the best entrepreneur's fuel – trust me on that one!

Based on Excerpts of the Biz/Dev Podcast Episode 97.

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